Second, read these If-Then options to figure out what you should do today:
- If you are not done researching and writing interview questions in a Google Doc, then you should keep working on researching and writing questions today.
- If you have your Google Doc done, then you should figure out to how to make sure the subject of your interview gets the questions (find their agent, their manager, see if they have a Skype account, find them on Twitter or facebook...ask me for help.
- If you have sent the questions and are waiting for a response, then you should choose one of the topics below to blog about.
- If you finish blogging about one of these topics, then you should pick another topic to blog about (from this list or from your brain.)
- If you were a falling raindrop, what would your three wishes be?
- If genetics permitted an octopus and a hippopotamus to breed, what traits/skills/capabilities would their offspring have?

- How do you know if a frog is asleep or can dream? What dream might a frog have if he dreamt?
- Urban legends have become more popular because of the accessibility of email/technology. They appeal to fears, hopes, doubts, etc. Visit one or both of these sites: Urban Legends or Snopes and read at least three urban legends. After examining three urban legends, write one of your own.

These writing prompts are taken from Nonstandardized Quests: 500+ Writing Prompts that Matter by David E. LeCount
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